Spring is just around the corner and there are little signs everywhere. I love this time of year. It’s a chance to begin anew. I’m already sifting through my stuff, re-organising shelves and drawers, and lightening my load by letting things go. It’s a great time to review your goals and look ahead to see what you can prepare for when the warmer months arrive. I’ve noticed some of the birds around my place are making Spring moves to prepare for what’s coming in their life too. Albeit in family expansion rather than lightening their load. I witnessed a poor guy being terrorised by a magpie last week; hatchling time approaches, beware!
The Pairing of Spring and Virgo Season
Spring in Australia commences in Virgo season and together they make a perfect pairing. Virgo is all about being organised and drilling down to what is necessary and good for your health. While Spring urges you to refresh your surroundings and open up to the world. Consequently, it only takes a few warm days and next thing you know you’re throwing open all the windows and doors and giving everything a good clean.
Spring, or the pre-Spring air, and Virgo season together really prompt you to get organised. You could wind up scrutinising everything. You might feel a need to tidy up your whole environment and really give all your property a bit of TLC. If you don’t usually operate like a Virgo and suddenly find yourself with the desire to clean, it could very well be the pre-Spring message getting to you. If you are getting rid of excess stuff and feel the urge to lighten your load without good reason, you can blame it on this productive and highly focused season.
Living With Less
I imagine a hoarder might find Spring and Virgo season a bit of a tall order. I can’t conceive how they would manage when the message to lighten up is full on. If you are a hoarder maybe it doesn’t affect you at all. Maybe you find someone to help you or employ a professional organiser to do it for you. Maybe you just order in a couple of big skip bins and dump the lot! No judgment, each to their own and also, much gratitude for the variety; life would be pretty boring if we were all the same.
Look, I love beautiful clothes, time saving devices and objets d’art but having a home full of them makes me shudder. I’m always working towards living with less and refining how I do things in order to live lighter. I don’t enjoy caring for a lot of stuff. I’m far closer to the other end of the property ownership spectrum. Spring and Virgo season bring out my minimalist tendencies even more. So much so that anything in my spring cleaning zone that I no longer need or absolutely love will get loaded into a “give away” box and quickly moved on.
Clean Up Methodically And Appease Guilty Thoughts
My desire to be minimal is not so much about the aesthetic as it is the practical. I move quite a bit and it’s so much easier to get around and keep things clean when I don’t have much stuff. I’ve learnt over the years to work methodically through my belongings to make the process easier, and sometimes I create a “maybe” box too. To be honest though, my “maybe” box is really only a delay tactic. I actually already know that everything in it will eventually be given away. The delay just gives me time to work through any guilt I hold for releasing an item I spent a lot of money on, or for discarding a gift I don’t really want.
What To Gift A Minimalist
A quick aside: I’ve found that family and friends sometimes struggle with the minimalistic “thing”. It’s common for me to hear: “I don’t know what to give you for special occasions.” So here are a couple of suggestions: My number one “go to” gift: Flowers. I love flowers! Or two; an experience. For example, what about tickets to the ballet, or hot air ballooning (hint, hint, Fam!).
Anyway, all this talk of Marie Kondo-ing is making me itchy to get stuck into a spot of tidying up. It could be the Virgo traits in me, perhaps it’s the Spring air. Whatever it is, I’m definitely being nudged to get organised and lighten my load. How about you?
Guidance, Accountability, Reassurance For The Months Ahead
Want to use the Virgo season to best effect? A tarot reading can help you get an idea of what’s coming in the months ahead. Maybe you’ve already got an idea and you’d like an accountability buddy to help you stay on track or maybe you’d just like some reassurance that you are actually on the right path. Give me a call or book online. Let’s do this!