Time for a catch up

Tarot On The Road

The big lap and catching up on Sage and Seeker Tarot news


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Life On The Road

Tarot on the road

Time for a catch up

Hi, hello and bonjour

Once again my lack of desire for blogging has left a big gap in the Sage and Seeker Tarot life story. For those wondering where I’ve been, my apologies. In my defence my situation hasn’t been very conducive to tapping away at a keyboard either but yeah, it’s still slack of me. Anywayyyy, now, here, finally is a quick catch up.

The Big Lap

I’ve been road tripping. If you follow my socials (@msterripics & @sageandseekertarot) you probably already know that. Allow me to try and give you a condensed version of the big picture.

It was a lot of long haul drives peppered with incredible jaw-dropping scenery and fabulous, magical moments of wonder. I pretty much completed “the big lap” of Australia in a very short period. It’s a huge amount of country to take in and I’m still processing some of it. Also don’t think for one moment that it’s over because it’s definitely not, but I digress…

A Speedy Trip

I had no intention to travel as quickly as I did but thanks to very windy weather it’s was difficult to slow down. Along the south coast of New South Wales, across the Nullarbor and even up the coast of Western Australia the wind really blew. In short, I was hurried on for a lot of the journey and take it from me, car camping is no fun in big winds.

Then, by the time I found myself in Broome (a long time goal) the wet season was taking hold. Of course I had no desire to be locked in by flooded roads and bad weather either so I kept moving. I did think it would be nice to spend Christmas in Cairns however mother nature had other ideas (thanks cyclone Jasper). As a result I ended up in the Red Centre for the Christmas holiday period which turned out to be a really good decision, it was just beautiful.

Welcoming 2024

After Christmas and the weather up north settled a little I finally made my way towards Cairns. I landed on the Atherton Tablelands just in time for the New Year. Gosh it’s stunning up there but alas the weather still did not want me to settle. After only a few short weeks another cyclone, Kirrily, sent me scurrying down the coast for better shelter. Another good decision as it happens.

North Queensland really copped a deluge this summer. Actually, so has the entire south east corner of the state as I have fully experienced being on the road so much. At least returning to the Sunshine Coast afforded me some time to rest up. And, I caught up with family and had a fab place to spread out and get all my camping gear dry. I also managed to get in a few overnighters to surrounding areas I’d long wanted to revisit.

What’s Next

What a trip it’s been so far, I’ve absolutely loved it! Now I’m moving a little more slowly and hope to maintain this easy pace for at least the next few months. Please, Mother Nature!

I also managed to do quite a lot of tarot card readings on the road. Many were online or sms readings given the circumstances. However I was very pleased to find that my car signage was effective. I gained several new clients and did a lot of in person readings while stopped in some towns. I’d say a lot of folks are making the most of advances in IT and enjoying a digital nomad lifestyle. I certainly am.

I’m heading back to Winton for another tourist season come Easter. Excited to catch up with my friends and clients way out west. As always I have nothing definite planned but I know it will all work out the way it should. After all, trusting the grand universal plan and my own intuition is inherent in my livelihood. I know it won’t fail me. And after that? Who knows! Whatever it is, you can guarantee that it will satisfy the gypsy within me.

Thanks for travelling along beside me. May we meet up in person soon. Big love,


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