The Sage & Seeker Blog


Energy Healing



Tarot Cards


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Let's connect and consult the cards to find answers to your questions. I'd love to help bring a little tarot magic into your life!

Looking for a Tarot Card Reading?

Moving Forward in 2023

Elevate Your Life


Fortune Telling

Life On The Road

Tarot on the road

Time for a catch up

Free will, predicting the future and reading energy

Can Fortunes Be Told

October 12, 2022

Fortune telling tarot cards

Take control of your life, feel happier and more confident, and gain greater success.

5 Ways to Elevate Your Life

September 8, 2022

Tarot cards - elevate your life

Spring in Australia commences in Virgo season and together they make a perfect pairing.

It’s Time To Lighten Your Load

August 29, 2022

Tarot cards - Lighten your load